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Gym Shoe Hack


Specialised weightlifting shoes are designed to have a raised heel (roughly 20mm) which allows a better range of motion when lifting. They are also hard to allow for better transfer of power through to the floor. The pair of shoes I bought a few years ago are a hybrid of a weightlifting shoe and regular sports shoe, meaning they have a slightly raised heel (5mm) and are flat and grippy, but also flexible enough to run in. Recently as I've been going to the gym I've been feeling like maybe that added heel height could help with my form when lifting, but I don't want to splash out on another expensive pair of shoes. My solution - hack what I've got. 


By creating an insertable grey board stack to put under the heel of my shoe I've increased the height to roughly 13mm. And after the first few lifts, I would say it definitely feels more stable. 

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